



时间:2023-06-06   访问量:1040

互联网网站有很多很多,但是我们的网站是不是每一个网站都具备营销功能呢 ?营销型网站 如何建设?

The Internet has many, but our site is it right? Every web site marketing function have? How to build a marketing type website?

营销型网站必须具有良好的搜索引擎表现营销型网站的一个显著特点就是它能“自我推 广”,这突出体现在营销型网站具有良好的搜索引擎表现(通常意义是指通过搜索引擎优化或 SEO 网站优化,使网站在搜索引擎上搜索相关关键词能够取得较为理想的自然排名),搜索 引擎优化通常涉及页面结构设计、内容信息组织、内外部链接策略等方面,这是一个庞大的 系统工程,也是营销型网站建设重点需要解决的问题;在网络营销型网站建设中,搜索引擎 优化工作是基础和长期的工作,从企业网站的前期规划阶段就必须开始进行,而且必须要贯 穿于企业网站建设和后期运营过程。

A remarkable characteristic of marketing type site must be search engine marketing type website good is that it can "self promotion", which highlighted the have good search engine performance in the marketing type site (usually means through search engine optimization or SEO website optimization, make the site in the search engine can search relevant keywords obtained natural ranking ideal), search engine optimization usually involves the page structure design, information organization, internal and external link strategy, which is a huge systematic project, is also a marketing type website construction of key problems need to be solved; in the construction of the network marketing website, search engine optimization work is the basis and long-term work, from the initial planning stages of enterprise website must begin, but must be through the enterprise website construction and post operation process.

营销型网站必须具备良好的用户体验感同时网络营销型网站还必须具备良好的用户体 验感,能够让潜在客户快速找到感兴趣的产品或服务,充分了解细节内容和服务特点,通过 各种互动方式与企业建立联系。

To marketing type site has a good user experience and network marketing type site must have good sense of user experience, to let potential customers quickly find the interest in the product or service, fully understand the details and service characteristics, establish contact with enterprises through various interactive mode.

营销型网站必须具备良好的细节执行细节执行决定着网站在搜索引擎的表现,同时也是 给获得良好用户体验的基础,营销型网站是以客户为中心,其每个细节都必须反复推敲、精 雕细琢,这样才能真正提高客户转化率。营销型网站建设实施的整个过程都应该注意细节, 所以在网络营销型网站建设就是抓住每一个细节,比如:

Marketing type site must have good details of the implementation details of the implementation determines the site in the search engine's performance, but also to the base to obtain good user experience, marketing type site is take the customer as the center, the details of each must be batted, fine vulture fine cut, so we can really improve customer conversion rate. The whole process marketing type website construction should pay attention to detail, so that every detail in the construction of the network marketing website, for example:

前台全部生成 html 静态页面、 整站采用 DIV+CSS 结构布局、后台自动生成 xml 格 式的网站地图、对全站的重要图片和标签进行优化、结构化网站结构及代码结构、系统化的 关键词分布、清晰明了的导航、合理的内容组织......等等。

All future generate static HTML pages, the entire station using DIV+CSS structure, the automatic generation of XML lattice type site map, to the station the important pictures and label optimization, structured web structure and code structure, systematic keyword distribution, clear navigation, reasonable content organization... Etc..

营销型网站必须具备完善的效果评估体系营销型网站还必须有完备的效果评估体系,它包括流量统计、网站分析、广告分析等内容。效果评估体系将帮助企业及时了解网站运营过 程中的各项指标和发展趋势,清楚当前的广告投入和回报情况。效果评估体系对于企业调整 网络营销策略、正确评价网络营销的投入产出比有非常重要的作用。

Marketing type site must have perfect effect evaluation system of marketing type site must have perfect effect evaluation system, it includes the flow statistics, site analysis, advertising content analysis. Effect evaluation system will help enterprises understand the website operation indicators and the development trend in the process, clear advertising investment and returns the current. Effect evaluation system for the input and output of network marketing strategy, adjust the correct evaluation of enterprise network marketing is very important.

在流量转化方面,对于 B2B 型的企业,企业网站可以提供在线咨询、免费电话、短信 通知等转化服务,而对于 B2C 电子商务网站,则提供了购买订单、在线客服、电子地图等 多种转化服务,企业客户可以根据自己的实际需要来选择。

In the flow transformation, for the B2B type enterprise, the enterprise website can provide online consultation, free telephone, SMS notification into service, and for B2C e-commerce website, provide the purchase order, online customer service, electronic map and other transformation service, customers can choose according to their actual needs.

不同的行业有不同的特点,所以说我们要结合自身网络营销的特点进行合理的网站营销 功能配置!

Different industries have different characteristics, so we should combine the characteristics of their own network marketing network marketing function of reasonable configuration!







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