PC + 手机 + 微信网站 + 小程序 + APP,五端合一
In recent years, more and more enterprises begin to get on the Internet, the first step is for web site construction, then spent a lot of money, please professional website building. Website construction is finished, then placed, basically did not play what role. Website construction in Beijing, can be said to number too many to count, but this too many to count enterprise website, the real role to play but can be counted on one's fingers. Why is this?
Site construction planning is not reasonable
Please the professional work of the design site construction enterprises are generally several sections: home, company profiles, product display, feedback, job opportunities, contact method. This framework is simple, simple, clear very clear. However, if want to let enterprise website better display interactive development for enterprises to do service, really very difficult.
Website design is not reasonable
现在大多企业网站栏目不光是一个模式,就连首页也都是一个模式,那就是动画。网站首页用动画,从实用的角度来考虑,不是很公道。但是假如从企业形象宣传方面来考虑,仍是很说的过去的。不外目前,大多的企业网站的首页动画并不能展现企业的形象。为什么? 由于此类服务公司不计其数,所以好的动画设计师并不是好请的,于是就凑合着模仿着做,他们不求给企业带来好处,只是为了模仿别人形式多赚点钱。
Now most of enterprise website is not only a model, even the home also is a model, that is the animation. Website home page with animation, from a practical perspective, is not very reasonable. But if from the corporate image promotion aspects to consider, is that of the past. But at present, most of the enterprise website page animation can not show the image of the enterprise. Why? As a result of such Service Corporation too many to count, so good animation designers not please, then get copied it, they did not seek to bring benefits to the enterprise, only to imitate others form to earn more money.
Website promotion is not reasonable
Now for the enterprise website construction, mostly hardly do site promotion, and now many companies in order to find a more attractive selling point, and then joined the website promotion service bar. And they called the promotion is only acting several big website SEO website optimization. Spent a lot of money, little action. Website promotion is a comprehensive service and continuous work, and most of the company into the service of the signboard is merely formalism, a fool some money.
Construction site management is not reasonable
Mostly the enterprise website construction almost no control, in which numerous enterprise website, long time not updated to account for a large proportion of.
Now, the enterprise website construction market is more and more intense, although most Service Corporation mostly business still rely on traditional relation to development, but, if you want to really do a good job in the business enterprise website construction, the best is still more practicing kung fu, make an enterprise true feeling to the construction site to bring them the benefits.